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PLANOLY Feature: Quick Scheduling

Adriana Sutlief
March 29, 2021

The Quick Schedule feature on PLANOLY makes scheduling your content faster and easier than ever! You can preset scheduling times to quickly schedule all your Instagram content. If you find yourself spending too much time selecting the same post times over and over again on PLANOLY's calendar time picker, this feature will help you breeze through scheduling! Keep reading to discover how you can make this a part of your weekly content planning ritual. 

How to Create a Quick Schedule

  1. On the PLANOLY Web Dashboard, switch to your PLAN view.
  2. On the top right of the Calendar, click on Schedule(clock icon).
  3. Click on the (+) icon under the day of the week you would like to add a quick schedule time.

How to Select a Quick Schedule

  1. Click on a post thumbnail in your PLAN grid to open the post editor.
  2. Click on Quick Schedule option (clock icon).
  3. Select your scheduled day and time and save.
  4. Once you create your first scheduled date, it will be shared between team members. (Schedules are applied to the Instagram account, so anyone under that Instagram account will see the same Quick Schedule).

Quick Schedule Limitations, Requirements, and Information

  • Quick Schedule is only available on paid plans. Click here to discover the benefits of using a paid PLANOLY account!
  • Create a schedule of frequently used posting times for your Grid and Stories.
  • If you use any of the Quick Schedule time slots, they will be marked in blue with an "S," indicating that you have already used the time on one or more schedules.
  • The custom time slots and Instagram recommended times can be seen on the calendar, so you can drag and drop posts to those specific time slots.
  • The Instagram recommended time calculations are based on the times your followers are active according to Instagram.
  • There's a settings icon at the top right of the calendar, so you can easily set up your quick schedules.

The Quick Scheduling feature is here to make your planning process much more efficient – especially if you're regularly scheduling your Instagram content in batches.


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Your Something is Worth Building

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