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New Feature: User and Location Tagging on PLANOLY

Reilly Purl
October 24, 2018

We're ecstatic to announce the release of two brand new features on PLANOLY. Drumroll please...Instagram 'User Tagging' and 'Location Tagging' is now available on PLANOLY! We've had so many users request these features, and we're happy that they're finally here. This will make planning your grid ahead of time even more efficient and productive, as you can tag Instagram users and locations on PLANOLY from the mobile app or web dashboard. However, there are a few important factors to keep in mind before moving forward, so check them out below:

User Tagging

This feature enables you to plan ahead of time by tagging Instagram user accounts within PLANOLY! However, keep in mind that Instagram 'User Tagging' is only available when you're publishing your content via 'Auto Post.' Whether you're a business collaborating with an influencer, a blogger tagging brands, or anything in between - this feature is a huge timesaver! Here are some important things to know about this feature:

  • You cannot tag private profiles
  • You can only tag up to 20 profiles
  • Profile tagging only works for scheduled *Auto Posts* (it will not work for 'Post Now')
  • It only works for grid images (will not work for videos, multi image posts - carousel, stories)
  • You cannot search for profiles (you have to enter the exact names)
  • This feature is available on both the PLANOLY app and web dashboard

How User Tagging Works on PLANOLY App & Web Dashboard

  1. Go to your grid view, and select the image you want to tag. You must have 'Auto Post' enabled on your PLANOLY account in order to use this feature.
  2. Tap on the tag icon below the image (It's the same image on both app and web dashboard - it looks like an outline of a person with a plus sign overlapping).
  3. Type out the profile you want to tag on the post. Please note that you cannot search for profiles, and you must enter the exact username you wish to tag. *PLANOLY Tip: You can tag up to 20 profiles per image.
  4. Tap 'Done' when you're finished tagging! An important thing to remember about this new feature is that it will only work for content being pushed by 'Auto Post'. If you select Post Now, it will not save your user tags.

Location Tagging

Similar to our 'User Tagging' feature, 'Location Tagging' lets you tag your location within your posts while planning out your grid on PLANOLY! Read on for more details about this feature:

  • You can only tag one location per post
  • Location tagging only works for scheduled *auto posts* (it will not work for 'Post Now')
  • Location tagging only works for grid images (will not work for videos, multi image posts, etc)
  • There is no autocomplete for location (you have to enter your location and click search)

How Location Tagging Works on PLANOLY App & Web Dashboard

  1. Go to your grid view on PLANOLY, and choose the image you want to add a location to. Similar to 'User Tagging', you must post your image using 'Auto Post' in order for this feature to work.
  2. Tap on the location icon below the image.
  3. Type out your location, and tap search to find the exact location you want to tag.
  4. Tap on your location in the list, and it will automatically be added to your post.

We want to help your grid planning be as easy and efficient as possible, so we hope you enjoy these helpful new features! Let us know if you have any questions or issues by sending an email to


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