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How to Grow on LinkedIn as a Creator

As a content creator, consistency is key to helping you grow your business and keep your audience engaged. This is especially true for LinkedIn, which has recently had a major resurgence as a social channel. Still, it can be time consuming to create and execute a separate LinkedIn content strategy when you have several other channels to manage. 

Never fear, auto-post to LinkedIn is here! We’ll show you how repurposing your content to LinkedIn will save you time and streamline your workflow.

Here's what we'll cover:

How to Repurpose Content For LinkedIn

While LinkedIn is a powerful platform for professional networking, a cross-channel strategy will help you to reach your audience wherever they are. With PLANOLY as your LinkedIn post scheduler, you can plan your LinkedIn content more strategically by repurposing across your most important channels. Thankfully, engaging your audience on LinkedIn can be as easy as re-sharing content that will spark conversations on that channel. Here are a few of our favorite things to post on LinkedIn:

  • New product launches
  • Original blog posts and thought leadership
  • Surprising stats about your niche
  • Personal stories from your experience
  • Genuine questions that your audience can weigh in on

In PLANOLY’s multi-channel workspace, no matter what you’re posting, you can plan across all of your most important channels in a single view. While you’re creating a post, you can select which channels you want to plan for, customize all your post details, and schedule your content. Plan and auto-post to LinkedIn, plus Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok all in one streamlined view. You can also set up reminders to post for any content you’re not auto-posting. Whether you batch your content and are working in your web dashboard or you want to seamlessly schedule from the PLANOLY Mobile App on the go, you can create one piece of content and schedule it for all your channels at once.

How to Customize Content for LinkedIn

To make your LinkedIn content stand out you can customize your posts for that channel in a few key ways in PLANOLY’s multi-channel workspace:

  • Upload an image or video that is authentic and still professional looking (you can have different media for the different channels across the post you’re building)
  • Customize your caption to use a tone that is appropriate for LinkedIn (and stay tuned for PLANOLY’s AI Caption Writer coming soon!)
  • Add LinkedIn-specific hashtags using a hashtag group
  • Preview your post to make sure it will look good in the LinkedIn interface

How to Auto-Post to LinkedIn on PLANOLY

Getting started with auto-posting your LinkedIn content is easy. Here’s how to do it:

  • Go to the social sets manager page in your PLANOLY profile.
  • Click on the LinkedIn channel bubble in your multi-channel workspace group.
  • Follow the prompts to link your LinkedIn account.
  • From your multi-channel workspace, create or edit a post and turn the auto-post toggle on for LinkedIn.
  • Start auto-posting!

If you're looking for a LinkedIn post scheduler to streamline your LinkedIn marketing and improve your online presence, give PLANOLY a try free for 7 days. It's an easy way to help you achieve your social media goals efficiently and effectively. Start saving time and boosting your LinkedIn presence today!

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Aziza Read

Aziza Read is the Product Marketing Manager at PLANOLY. She loves helping people level up their skills, strategies and content from 1 to 11 - whether that’s at work or in her hobbies as a chef and traveler. She always finds joy in creating intentionality in the details of every task.

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From idea to post - PLANOLY is your go-to planner for TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest.

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