She started tweaking when she realized her math final was tomorrow instead of Friday.
“Tweaking” can be traced all the way back to 1616 in Ben Johnson’s writing, but it is also noted to have roots in African American Vernacular English (AAVE). Its original usage was to describe those who were under the influence of stimulant drugs due to their hyperactive behavior. Rap and hip-hop music also used the term before it became prevalent in today's everyday slang.
In modern usage, the term typically describes someone exhibiting exaggerated or dramatic behavior. For example, one may note how their friend was “tweaking” last night because they thought they lost their wallet for a few hours. People often use it as a synonym for overreacting or freaking out. You can also use it to draw attention to errors. One might say their peers are "tweaking" if they think they deserve the same grade as everyone else, despite doing most of the work themselves. Overall, “tweaking” has evolved from its past origins to a versatile term that is utilized constantly today.