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What is YouTube Automation?

Becoming a YouTube sensation and making a chunk of change in the process is a common dream for many. Afterall, the lure to make money on your own terms without putting countless hours behind a desk, and having fun while doing it is an attractive thought. And while this dream is becoming a reality for many, for others, they are either just getting started and don’t know where to begin or they have stalled. Another issue could be stagefright and not wanting to be the face of your content. The possible solution to all of this is YouTube automation and it just might be what your channel is looking for.

What is YouTube Automation

YouTube automation is the concept of creating viral-worthy videos for your channel without actually having a lot of hands on work with content creation. And while it is a bit of investment upfront to hire someone else to make content, for people wanting a bucket of content to publish and/or don’t want to have their face on camera, this is a great solution with potentially big rewards.

The concept of YouTube automation allows for users to outsource their content to someone else to handle all the creative and then they share it to their channel and earn money based on the video’s performance. However, this is aimed at not just any type of content, rather viral entertaining content. So, this means, yes, you still should be the star of informative marketing videos to continue to build your brand.

It’s important to note that you don’t have to hire someone else to make your content if you don’t have the budget. The key point is really about publishing video content that goes beyond needing to showcase you and your life in order to become popular.

Automated YouTube Scheduling

PLANOLY YouTube Auto-Post

Another aspect of YouTube automation is automating the process of publishing the content. Similar to hiring an agency to help create content, PLANOLY has you covered here. Subscribers can simply upload video content from either their computer, Dropbox or Google Drive into PLANOLY. Then, you draft the video description, determine the thumbnail image and select the “enable auto-post” option. Next, select the date and time for the video to publish and schedule it. That’s it! This will keep content flowing to your channel even if you step away from the computer. For a more in-depth look at how to auto-post to Youtube using PLANOLY, check this out.

Let’s take a quick look at niches on YouTube. A YouTube niche is the main topic/category for a video. This is important to consider because when you clearly define your video’s niche and fine tune all the elements of the content around the niche, it has a better chance of getting in front of your target audience. The niche of your videos should not be widely varied and, in fact, they should be directly connected to your channel’s defined niche. If you didn’t consider this when you first set up your channel, review it and make sure it is clearly defined.

Although hiring creative help and using PLANOLY for YouTube automation will certainly streamline your path to earning income on the channel, there are some things about social media that should never be automated - engagement. It is important to be involved with your audience and YouTube. Don’t be shy with comments and follow and engage with other channels in your niche area.

YouTube Performance Tracking

A last point to note about YouTube automation is the importance of metrics. In order to get your content to go viral, keep in mind two of the most important YouTube metrics which are click throughs and audience retention. Click throughs can be increased by having a strong title and video thumbnail. Audience retention is the time people spend watching the video - the longer, the better. Need a refresher on YouTube’s algorithms and video metrics? This recent article looks at the YouTube Shorts algorithm. And this is a great article about the basics of social media metrics that everyone should read!


No matter how you go about making it on YouTube, whether you want to grow a brand, a following, earn money or just have fun, keep in mind some key tips for getting the most out of your time on the platform. First, focus on content that interests you. Imagine you are your audience and create with that in mind. Ask yourself, “Would I watch this all the way through or skip to the next?” Let that guide you. Second, when working with an agency to help you create your content, do some research and interview a few before making a decision. Price matters, though if you are going to invest even a penny into outsourcing your content creation, work with someone who gets you. Otherwise, your content might fall short of the authentic vibe views enjoy.  

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Allie Teegardin

Allie Teegardin is a contributing writer at PLANOLY. As a writer, adjunct professor, and baker, she makes sure to add value to whatever she creates.

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