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9 Free 'Get to Know Me' StoriesEdit Templates for Your Next Instagram Challenge

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Darren Griffin
March 26, 2020

Physically distancing ourselves has brought us all closer together online. Our new 'Get to Know Me' collection on StoriesEdit further amplifies the importance of digital community, and adds another fun Instagram challenge to the fold!I f there was ever a time to go deep and break through the surface on social media, that time is now. The 'Get to Know Me' collection is all about breaking through and getting to know the person behind the profile. Be it the very basics of their life or unique characteristics of their personality, there are many exciting ways to use this interactive template collection - including starting an Instagram challenge. Releasing alongside ou StoriesEdit Wellness Stickers, 'Get to Know Me' has both a playful and thoughtful way about it. There isn't a better time to share this intuitive template on Instagram, making social distancing that much more tolerable with an Instagram Challenge that opens you up to your friends.

Instagram has seen far more engagement with the masses at home, trigger fingers on their phones. Per new reports, Instagram has seen a record spike in traffic during the ongoing pandemic. Not to mention the Instagram challenge free-for-all flying around like never before. All of a sudden everyone is doing pushups like it's some new workout craze. These challenges have organically created new interaction amongst friends and strangers, and given Instagram one of its best months in recent memory.Striking while the iron is hot, Instagram is promoting more community engagement by rolling out a new feature that allows friends to browse posts together over video. Everything on Instagram is uber exciting due to the mundane nature of everything else. Physical challenges, resharable templates, and watching videos with your friends has become the most exciting part of our day. The 'Get to Know Me' template collection aims to bring that same excitement to your feed! These StoriesEdit templates are free to use!

'Get to Know Me' for StoriesEdit - The Basics

You've seen these types of templates before, right? They're shareable, funny, and surprisingly detailed. 'Get to Know Me' is all of those things and then some. The shareable templates from StoriesEdit all have customizable color backgrounds to suit your mood. You can make this collection yours in the ways you see fit.Featuring nine templates that let you share personal and silly details about yourself, this template provides an easy course towards opening up on social media. Yet, the real magic behind this collection isn't just in its ability to share more about yourself, but the seamless way in which it allows you to invite others to do the same. Although the templates provide an opportunity to share personal details about yourself, its true gift is that it allows you to learn more about your friends and others you'd like to know better. It's the perfect elixir; an organic way to create conversation. It's not forced, it's just fun.


'Get to Know Me' for StoriesEdit - The Templates

Check out all the exciting new ways you can share details about yourself and pull the same fun info from your friends: Currently Reading - share your current reading list, the authors you love, the books you find interesting, and those you don't. Things I Recommend - get crazy and recommend the simplest things or the wildest ones. From television shows to podcasts and films, share it all! You could even recommend a feeling. Why not? Accounts I Love - shoutout all the social media accounts you love, seek out for inspiration, find the best quotes, or the biggest laughs. My Name Is - want to share the basics about your life? Do it here. Or maybe you'd rather create a character and share that? Get as creative and imaginative as you'd like! What I Did Today - worked from home all day and tore through your quarantine snacks? Share it! Want to create a story about what you would do post social distancing? Share that, too! I 'm Finding Joying In Things Like - the things that make you feel good are worth sharing. Today I'm Grateful For - showing love to the people, places, and things you're grateful for will never grow old. How I Feel Today - let it all out - the good, the bad, and the indifferent. Get vulnerable and share something that might help someone else make it through. My Name Is Pt. II - didn't get all your sharing out the first time around? Here's an opportunity to go deeper.

Join the Party (and Start an Instagram Challenge)

While we're all on social media trying to take our minds off of the uncertainty that surrounds us all, 'Get to Know Me' for StoriesEdit provides even more incentive to build community on Instagram during these times. Everyday, Instagram is hosting the online party everyone wants to attend. And if you've ever been to a big party, you know the social anxiety of approaching those in attendance. What do you say? Should you start off with a joke? Do you have food in your teeth? Our 'Get to Know Me' templates remove the nervous energy it takes to walk across the room and introduce yourself to a stranger. Or ask someone you know personal details about their life. Simply, you can use these templates to share what you want about yourself then tag friends or new acquaintances on your Stories to do the same. To make it even more fun, make it an Instagram challenge!

If you haven't already, start using StoriesEdit to share this collection with your audience. Also, check out the new StoriesEdit Wellness Stickers to ensure your content stands out!


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