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Equal Pay Day: How to Calculate Your Rates as an Influencer or Creator

Reilly Purl
March 20, 2023

There’s a 28% wage gap in freelance, let's change that. Freelancing is no longer just a side hustle. Over 73 million Americans are freelancers taking up 35% off the job market since 2019. And among this, over half are women and earn a lot less than their male counterparts.

Being a freelancer has given more freedom to choose who you work with, your schedule, and being your own boss. There are lots of perks to it, but challenges as well.

Although the name may have ‘free’ in it, that doesn't mean it's a job to not pay people equitably. As the environment around us is changing with a recession, prices increases, and remote work, that same pay should reflect people's desire to live comfortably.

That is why Freelancing Females has created the largest rate database sheet. They launched their newly updated 2023 version in time for Equal Pay Day (March 14th) last week to provide for female freelancers to have full transparency and get paid their worth. The database aims to help freelancing marketing professionals calculate their rate when working with brands. Especially to reflect the changes in the economy that makes it harder to make a living wage.

Equal Pay Day and The Wage Gap

There has been a history of a large wage gap between men and women in all industries, that is why it’s important to give the power back to females and non-binary folks to get paid their worth. Equal Pay Day happens to fall in March which is also Women’s History Month and is symbolic to raising awareness of the gender pay gap. Even in 2023, we still see a discrepancy especially amongst women of color. Currently, the unadjusted gender wage gap in the United States is approximately 83 cents to the dollar.

How Freelancing Females Aims to Empower Women and their Worth

Freelancing Females has been advocating and providing tools to attack the gap since they were founded in 2019. They are the world’s largest community of freelance women founded by Tia Grado. It’s cultivated over 300,000 members where they share resources to help empower freelancers and connect them with profitable projects through their job directory.

With over 9,000 submissions from freelancers in all different industries participating in their transparent rate sheet, you too can add yours anonymously, send it to a friend who needs more knowledge or access the database yourself.

“We originally created the rate sheet for women freelancers only in 2019 to help women gain confidence in raising their rates and earning more,” said Tia Grado. “We are relaunching it now in 2023 because we have such a different economic climate, and because we want even more transparency across all genders so we can all work toward greater pay equality together.”

Be sure to check out Freelancing Females rate sheet database here because the more shared knowledge equals more individual power. Now go out there and take advantage of your worth!


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