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How to Collaborate in PLANOLY

Reilly Purl
July 10, 2023

The content creation process has so many layers - from brainstorming ideas to filming, caption writing & potentially needing approvals on your content. Even though you need support from your team or clients, it can be tricky to know what tools to use to make that happen. Content Creators are very resourceful - from screen recordings to Google Drive folders or even using Canva comment-only files. There are a lot of ways to get the job done, but they can be overly complex.

With PLANOLY, you can collaborate with team members and clients within your planning workspace. Invite your team members to your PLANOLY workspace, then start collaborating directly in PLANOLY. Let’s dive into exactly how this works.

How to Invite Team Members

Depending on your plan type, you will have a certain number of “users” for your plan. The Growth plan includes 3 users and the Professional plan includes 6 users. You can also customize any plan to add additional users. Users will have their own unique login to PLANOLY and are given access to the workspaces you decide when inviting them.

To invite a team member, click on the “INVITE” button on your Web Dashboard in the top left corner. From there, you’ll see a pop-up to fill in the team member’s name & email address. You’ll also be able to select which workspaces you want your team member to have access to. Once you have all of the details filled in, click “ADD TEAM MEMBER”. This will send an email invitation to the user to create a PLANOLY account and start collaborating with you.

Now that you know how to add team members, let’s chat through some of the ways you can collaborate with your team in PLANOLY.

Collaborate on Content Management & Scheduling

Say goodbye to creating endless Google Drive folders, upgrading storage limits on your phone, or using additional storage tools. Once you’ve created your content, you can upload it directly into PLANOLY as a draft. This keeps all of your content in one place. Plus, with the PLANOLY Mobile App, you can seamlessly upload content from your phone directly into the App. This means you no longer have to upload it to your computer first.

Content uploaded to your workspace will automatically be added to your drafts. Then, when you (or a team member) are ready to finish scheduling you can simply click on the draft, add details, and schedule. Team Members will have access to drafts and anyone can jump in to add a caption, find a good date & time to post, and click “Schedule” to finish setting everything up.

Create a Shared Idea Board

With the demands of creating engaging content to drive awareness, engagement & conversions for brands, it can be hard to always have inspiring content or know what to create. With the PLANOLY Ideas Manager, you can save ideas directly into PLANOLY to refer back to when you’re ready to create. By adding team members to your space, your team can add ideas to the ideas manager. If you’re scrolling TikTok and find something that could be repurposed for your brand, simply share it to PLANOLY with a note. From there, your team can sync on what ideas you want to move forward with.

Alternatively, you can also save ideas for clients to see as inspiration for what kind of content you need from them. You may be the creator, but some of the raw footage may come from other sources. By giving your clients examples of the type of content you need, you can use the Ideas Manager as a place to align on the type of content needed.

Preview Upcoming Content

One other important way to collaborate in PLANOLY is by sharing previews of upcoming content. In our Instagram planning workspace, you can use “Plan Report” located in the top left area of your Web Dashboard. This will generate a link to show upcoming scheduled Instagram posts. In our multi-channel workspace, you’ll be able to have your team member filter to “scheduled” content to see what’s coming up next. Team members can preview the video, see the caption and know when the content will go live. This saves you from screen recording your phone and sharing captions separately.

With the overwhelming expectations that are required of content creators, we want to be your go-to tool for collaborating with team members and clients. Collaboration is a huge part of social planning and by doing more in PLANOLY you can eliminate other tools and costs for managing your business.


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Your Something is Worth Building

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